Cats do well in high places, so it’s no wonder they’ve often been seen at the side of history’s most powerful people.
Behind every great leader, there’s probably a cat plotting total world domination — in a most adorable way.
Here are a few cats who stood by some of the world’s most high-powered people throughout history.
Cats have always been symbols of power in human history, and nowadays they rule the internet!
Who’s your favorite powerful feline? Do you think more world leaders should have cats by their sides? Let us know in the comments below!
Cats Of High-Powered World Leaders From History
Tabby And Dixie: Abraham Lincoln's Cats
(Picture Credit: Westend61/Chris Winsor/Getty Images)
When he wasn't busy fighting against slavery and keeping his country in one piece, Abraham Lincoln would spend hours doting on his two pet cats, Tabby and Dixie.
He was even caught feeding Tabby from the table during a formal dinner at the White House and once said, "Dixie is smarter than my whole cabinet! And furthermore she doesn't talk back!"
Lincoln was also known to bring a few strays into the White House, but Tabby and Dixie held a special place in his ever-honest heart.
Micette: Pope Leo XII's Cat
(Picture Credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Who put the "cat" in "Catholic?" Well, it probably wasn't Micette the cat, but that didn't stop Pope Leo XII from keeping the feline hidden beneath his robes when giving audiences.
The grayish-red cat was born in the Vatican and accompanied the pontiff during his various meetings and duties, staying hidden, for the most part, within his garments. That's probably why Micette is out of sight in the painting of the pontiff above.
When you're the head of a whole religion, a hidden, secret best friend is a good thing to have.
Jock: Winston Churchill's Cat
(Picture Credit: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images)
What could possibly comfort the Prime Minister of a country fighting Nazi forces? Jock, Winston Churchill’s marmalade cat, of course.
Churchill loved his cat, who ate with him, slept in his bed, and watched over his wartime Cabinet meetings. In fact, if Jock was late for a meal, Churchill would send his servants to find him and refuse to eat until he arrived.
Jock was with Churchill on his deathbed, and as a dying request, Churchill asked that a ginger cat would always live at his country home. And that tradition is carried out to this day. Jock VI is pictured above!
The Angora Cats Of Marie Antionette
(Picture Credit: Universal History Archive/Getty Images)
Marie Antoinette had six Angora cats, and she may very well have let them eat cake. The cats lived in the Palace of Versailles with the Queen of France until the French Revolution.
Marie Antoinette knew she was in trouble when the Revolution started, so she planned to escape to the United States by ship. However, she was stopped before she could board.
Legend has it that her six cats were safely aboard at the time of her capture and set sail to Maine, where they became the ancestors of the Maine Coon breed.
Socks: The Clintons' Cat
(Picture Credit: Larry Downing/Sygma/Sygma via Getty Images)
One of the most famous presidential cats has to be Socks, the Clintons' cat.
Photographers first stalked him around the Arkansas Governor's mansion before he moved into the White House.
There were cartoons and songs written about the cat. Socks was so popular, the Clinton family had to ask reporters and photographers to please leave the poor kitty alone.