Ways To Celebrate International Cat Day
Get Your Hashtag Ready
(Picture Credit: Vladimir Shtanko/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
If you're a cat lover -- and I know you are! -- you'll want to participate on this special day by dedicating your social media to cats!
Use #InternationalCatDay across all social networks when sharing your fave cat pics and videos with the public.
You may just get some likes, shares, and follows from cat lovers all over the world!
Throw An International Cat Party
(Picture Credit: Vladimir Shtanko/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
This day is about celebrating cats from all over the world. Of course, the internationally recognized way to celebrate any occasion is with a great party!
Invite quiet, kitty loving friends from foreign lands, turn on the nature channel, and have exotic treats ready for when your cat makes their grand entrance.
And remember, there's no shame in taking the party online for a feline Zoom session!
Click here for tips on how to throw the best cat party ever!
Call Your Cat New, Fancy, International Names
(Picture Credit: VYACHESLAV OSELEDKO/AFP/Getty Images)
There's no harm in giving your kitty friend a special international nickname for the day. It's also a good time to learn some words in other languages, or even a translation of your cat's real name.
For my guy, Whiskers, I'm going to call him Bigotes (Spanish for "whiskers") or Barba (Spanish for "beard"). And just FYI, "Tiger" is "Hu" in Chinese, and "Neko" is "cat" in Japanese! Awesome!
Find name translations for your kitties. They may be a little confused at first but will probably just go with it. Cats are great like that!
Visit Your Local Cat Shelter In Person Or Online
(Picture Credit: Bernard Weil/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
Shelter cats are always looking for forever homes, and your local cat shelter is a great place to adopt a new best buddy!
A lot of shelters have procedures for operating during the pandemic, so call ahead make sure you know what to expect.
And if you want to be extra safe, check out the cats at your shelter online. That way, you can pick out the kitty you want to meet ahead of time or even share some of the other kitties who are looking for homes on your own social media pages.
Get Ready For An International Cat Agility Tournament
(Picture Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
Have you heard of International Cat Agility Tournaments? If not, you have a lot of work to do.
A lot of tournaments are cancelled or postponed this year, but that's no reason to slouch when next year is right around the corner!
ICAT says to play with your cat every day. Start there. Then work in the fiery rings and balance beams.
If you have a social, athletic kitty, a tournament would be a fun place to meet fellow cat lovers. Maybe you'll even make an international friend!
Have A Cat Nap!
(Picture Credit: John Greim/LightRocket via Getty Images)
Your cat will be so happy if you curl up and snooze the day away with them. Cancel everything!
Dream of cats in distant lands while snuggling with your favorite cuddle partner.