For a cat parent the biggest expenses are:
- Food
- Litter
- Vet visits
- Cat Furniture
- Treats
- Toys
Supplies And Gadgets Cat Lovers Should Buy On Amazon Prime Day
Toys To Keep Cats Busy
(Picture Credit: borzywoj/Getty Images)
If you have trouble keeping up with your extra-playful kitty, maybe they'd appreciate a toy that they can play with on their own. There are plenty of toys like that on Amazon, and some are sure to be on sale during Prime Day.
I recommend the automatic laser cat toy from Pixnor. It's a fun game for your cat or kitten to play with. This little gadget beams a light that your cat can chase. If you're looking to spoil your kitty, this might be the way.
You can buy it on Amazon and keep checking to see if it's on sale.
A New Pet Carrier
(Picture Credit: Cyndi Monaghan/Getty Images)
Traveling with your cat is always easier if you have a nice carrier. There are tons of them available on Amazon, but you should check for one that has a little bit of storage space for cat supplies and ways to make your cat extra comfortable.
I recommend the Ytonet cat carrier backpack made from durable, eco-friendly polyester. The next time you take your cat to the vet, you can have your hands free but still hold your kitty. Does your cat like the outdoors? With this backpack, you can take your cat with you for your next hike.
You can buy it on Amazon and check back to see if it's on sale.
Fur Cleanup Supplies
(Picture Credit: Ekaterina79/Getty Images)
Is your couch turning the same shade of your kitty's fur? That can happen. Lots of products can scoop up hair during shedding season, from vacuums to lint rollers, and a lot of those items might appear in Amazon Prime Day sales.
I recommend the Lola Rola Sticky Mop, which lets you clean your couch in minutes! With all the stuff you have to do, who has time for cleaning couches? Now you can get it done in lightening speed! And you'll still have time to scope more deals on Amazon.
You can buy it on Amazon and keep checking to see if it's on sale!
Cat Furniture
(Picture Credit: kiszon pascal/Getty Images)
Are you jealous every time you see a picture of cats lounging around on their cat condo? Does your cat simply need more space to climb and play? Is this the year that you will finally wow your kitty -- if a cat can, in fact, be wowed?
Perches, cat trees, and cat play places will give your cat somewhere to sit up high and look out over their domain.
I recommend a large cat tree from New Cat Condos. If you have wanted to get a cat condo for a while, this can be the year you get one!
You can buy it on Amazon and check back to see if it's on sale.
Things For Kitty's Skin & Coat
(Picture Credit: happyphoton/Getty Images)
If you're interested in giving your cat's fur and skin a health boost, talk to your vet about possible solutions, then check out Amazon's deals to save some money.
I recommend fish oil, as it's great for the well-being of your cat. It's good for joints, too, so if your cat is getting up there in years, then fish oil can help keep them moving pain-free. This supplement is a great daily addition to your pet's diet.
You can buy it on Amazon and check back to see if it's on sale.
Stuff To Fight The Litter Stink
(Picture Credit: Thorsten Nilson / EyeEm/Getty Images)
Even if you're diligent about cleaning the litter box, sometimes the smell is just a little much.
Lots of products can help with that, but I recommend Jumbo Thick Litter Box Liners. Not exciting, but if this is something that you buy regularly, you should check to see if they go on sale and pick some up! This is a great opportunity to stock up on the essentials you normally buy, but on the cheap.
You can buy them on Amazon and check back to see if they're on sale.
A Cat Door
(Picture Credit: Sam Clarke Photography/Getty Images)
Sometimes you want your cat to be able to get in and out of the room without having to get up and open the door all the time. Also, some cats are like royalty. They need to feel special, and an entryway fit for a regal cat is perfect for that.
I recommend the Juegoal Interior Cat Door. This little kitty door that only your cat can fit through is great if your cat needs to move around the house freely.
You can buy it on Amazon and check back to see if it's on sale.
Brain Games For Cats
(Picture Credit: kicia_papuga/Getty Images)
Cats need mental stimulation. It can help fight stress and boredom while preventing unwanted behaviors like scratching and chewing. Check Amazon deals for some fun games that will challenge your cat's brain.
I recommend the PetSafe Automatic Cheese Cat Toy. Oh my gosh! How cute is that little mouse head popping out of the cheese? If you are looking for a really cute toy to wrap up and surprise your kitty with, ya gotta get this!
You can buy it on Amazon and check back to see if it's on sale.
Health-Boosting Vitamins And Supplements
(Picture Credit: Sandra Milena Valero Orjuela/Getty Images)
Vitamins and supplements can give your cat a health boost, and you should ask your veterinarian about which ones might be appropriate. This is a great time to stock up on these items that can get really expensive the rest of the year.
I recommend Duralactin Feline Nutritional Aid. If you'd like to add supplements to your cat's diet to help with their well-being, this is a great start. Microlactin protein helps reduce symptoms of arthritis and inflammation in joints. Keep your cat moving.
You can buy it on Amazon and check back to see if it's on sale.
Active Play Cat Toys For Bonding
(Picture Credit: Cindy Malnasi / EyeEm/Getty Images)
Automatic toys are fun and helpful, but you should also make sure you're actively playing with your cat and spending time with them to strengthen your bond.
If you need a few toys for your babies, I recommend this EcoCity Cat Teaser Toy. It's a very classic feather string toy. These little cat teasers are a great way to spend time together.
You can buy them on Amazon and check back to see if they're on sale.