Video of cat fitting in small box.
(Photo Credit: @ilovemycats0311 / TikTok)

Video of Cat Trying To Fit In a Box That Is Too Small Goes Viral

While cats are often surrounded by toys of all shapes and sizes, they seem to find the greatest joy in the simplest of objects. Emmy Lou, a determined calico cat, proved this in a viral TikTok video where she repeatedly tries to squeeze herself into a box that’s far too small. The endearing moment has already racked up over 111K views and counting.

Cat just can’t understand why she won’t fit in a box too small in viral video

In a TikTok video shared by her owner, Emmy Lou determinedly settles herself into a shoebox, even as her head and limbs spill awkwardly over the edges. Undeterred by the obvious size mismatch, she seems intent on redefining the meaning of cozy, refusing to give up on what she considers the perfect resting spot. Her owner humorously notes in the comments section that Emmy Lou has a particular fondness for boxes and bags, “so she tries to fit into every single one regardless of size.”

Interestingly, a cat’s fascination with cardboard boxes is more than just a cute quirk; it stems from their deep-rooted instincts. In the wild, felines seek out enclosed spaces for protection, and a box provides that same sense of security at home. The tight, enclosed space makes them feel hidden and in control of their surroundings. Additionally, cardboard has the perfect texture for scratching and chewing, adding to the appeal. And let’s not forget a cat’s stubborn belief that they can fit into any space — no matter how small.

The video has struck a personal chord with many viewers, who couldn’t help but relate Emmy Lou’s struggle to their own experiences. One commenter humorously likened her persistence to squeezing into a favorite pair of high school jeans, while another compared it to the never-ending quest for the perfect sleeping position. With over 20K likes and nearly 100 comments, the video has become a charming and relatable moment of connection, proving that Emmy Lou’s determination is something many can identify with — whether feline or human.

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