Kitten losing tooth.
(Photo Credit: @katieskittenz / Instagram)

Video of Kitten Losing His Baby Tooth on Camera Goes Viral

Every cat parent knows that watching a kitten grow up is full of adorable surprises. From their first few wobbly steps to their mischievous antics, every stage of kittenhood brings something new. One of the most fascinating yet rarely witnessed milestones is the loss of their baby teeth. However, one lucky foster parent managed to catch this tiny but significant moment on camera. Shared by @katieskittenz, the video shows a 5-month-old kitten named Captain losing his baby teeth during playtime.

Kitten loses his baby tooth on video while playing

In the video, Captain playfully nibbles on his foster mom’s hand before suddenly pausing, as if sensing something wasn’t right. Rather than resuming his usual antics, he began licking his paw and giving his head a few little shakes. Then, in a rarely captured and unexpected moment, a tiny tooth falls out. Naturally, his foster mom reacted with surprise, exclaiming, “Captain! Your tooth just fell off!” In the caption, she shares her excitement over witnessing and capturing this milestone, writing, “I’ve never even seen a kitten lose a tooth right before my eyes, much less recorded it!”

Much like children, kittens undergo a dental transition. Typically, they have 26 baby teeth, which are expected to fall out as they grow. They make way for 30 permanent adult teeth. These changes usually occur between three and six months of age. However, when they do not fall out as expected, it can lead to dental issues, such as overcrowding or misalignment. These issues may require veterinary attention.

In Captain’s case, his foster mom had previously noted that he seemed to have an unusually toothy grin. Their vet suspected that an underlying health condition may be delaying his teeth from falling off. The health condition could also be contributing to his small size. Despite these concerns, the shedding of two baby teeth back-to-back within 24 hours was a positive development. It brought much relief to the kitten’s fosterer, who later reported that Captain had lost his third baby tooth soon after.

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