(Picture Credit: nobowlcat.com)

No More Bowls! Food Pods Let Your Cat Hunt For Food

A new company is offering small food pods that you hide around your house. That way instead of sitting at a bowl to eat, your cat gets the experience of hunting around the house for their daily meal. They boast that there will be no more lazy or fat cats with their new “no bowl” food system.

(Picture Credit: http://nobowlcat.com/)
(Picture Credit: http://nobowlcat.com/)

So the food is placed in a small mouse-shaped toy/dispenser. The food comes with instructions and training on how to transition your cat to the new feeding system.

(Picture Credit: nobowlcat.com)
(Picture Credit: nobowlcat.com)

It costs $38 plus shipping to pre-order the No Bowl system and they are being crowd funded by Indiegogo and have already raised $142,365 USD.

As a cat owner, what do you think of this new feeding idea? Would you ever consider making the “no bowl” transition?

Seen on Daily Mail

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