Japanese Company Creates Cat Attracting Jeans

You may remember last year when we reported on a Japanese retailer called Felissimo. They’re the ones who sold a bottled fragrance that smelled like the scent of a cat’s forehead. Well they’re at it again with a product that you never asked for and will probably never need, but we’re not here to judge. They’re selling a pair of jeans that’s supposed to make you popular with cats.

The jeans have pockets on the side that provide a nice place for cats to climb if they’d like to. There’s also a removable cat tail that can clip onto a belt loop and act like a toy for kitties to bat around. And don’t worry about getting scratches from sharp claws, as the fabric is supposedly thick and tough.

A model shows off the jeans with her hands up like a cat.
(Picture Credit: Felissimo)

Felissimo does warn, however, that the actual responses of individual cats may vary. So if you’re very unpopular with felines, there’s no guarantee that these jeans will solve your problems. And they’re a little baggy and high in the waste, so you might just end up looking totally unfashionable, repelling your fellow humans in the process. But maybe you can spray some of the scent of a cat’s forehead on your jeans so you can at least smell like a cat.

Would you buy a pair of cat jeans? Do you think your kitties would enjoy climbing on them? Let us know in the comments below!

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