stowaway cat
(Photo Credit: Ben-Schonewille via Getty)

Delilah the Stowaway Cat Caught a Ride and Captured Hearts

Pets are a part of the family, so it makes sense they’d want to participate in family activities. A fluffy, orange, and adventurous cat named Delilah certainly did. When her family was preparing to drive from St. Albans, Maine, to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for an airshow, Delilah cleverly sneaked into the pop-up camper as a stowaway. After completing the first leg of their journey, about 900 miles, the Scholten family was shocked to find Delilah on board.

How The Family Found Their Sneaky Stowaway Cat

The Scholtens had stopped in Toledo, Ohio, for a pit stop when Andrea Scholten opened the camper door and found the family’s crafty cat.

“I open the door, and there’s Delilah,” Scholten told WCSH-TV in Portland. “I just screamed ‘Delilah!’ and my husband and the kids were like, ‘Delilah!’ ”

In a Facebook post, Scholten said she thought Delilah had sneaked in when her husband loaded the pillows that morning.

Initially, the family wasn’t sure how Delilah would do in the camper. They bought her supplies at a nearby Target and noted that they’d find a kennel if she didn’t seem comfortable.

Fortunately, though, Delilah had no qualms about her new temporary digs and seemed right at home in the camper.

Delilah in the Limelight

The Scholtens started chronicling their trip on Facebook after discovering Delilah’s love for travel. It wasn’t long before viewers across the country tuned in to Delilah’s adventures.

“We put a story up with a photo of her, and people thought it was hysterical,” Scholten told News Center Maine. “They were commenting, ‘We want more Delilah,’ so we did. Every day a couple of times a day, I would put up a post, and we used the hashtag … People loved Delilah.”

When the family arrived at the airshow, Delilah watched alongside her humans as the pilots paid tribute to her by “drawing” a cat in the air. Attendees also showered her with praise and attention. They even asked the family to bring her back to Oshkosh in 2023, which they plan to do.


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