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One of the best and easiest games to play with your kitty. You can use a feather or stick, or…
Movies for Cats to Watch: Birds! This really is the ultimate video compilation for your cat .
Everybody loves the Ragdoll! Learn all about them with Simon's Cat!
If you are a fan of kittens, Harry Potter or Emma Watson you're in luck! This video is for you.
A Twitter user named Emma posted some pics of a cat with doll hands and the Twittervers is freaking out!…
"Andrew had his skateboards out and one day, Daryl was kind of curious looking at it," owner Natalie Lichtman said.…
Exactly how the cat got in the ceiling in the first place, no one knows...
A mother’s love is like no other, and that includes feline moms, too. A recent TikTok video has captured a…
Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment, but sometimes difficult circumstances force beloved animals into shelters. A TikTok video posted…
Cats have a reputation for being independent, but a recent viral video challenges this notion with an adorable display of…
When a home feels a little too quiet, loneliness doesn’t just affect people, it can weigh on our feline friends…
The internet is no stranger to adorable pet videos, but a particular tabby cat has recently caught the attention of…
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