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Author (Page 47)
Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Back in 2016, Liz Kirkham found a feral cat in a deathly ill state outside her apartment complex in Oxford,…
What would you do if you came across a kitten whose back legs didn't work?
A recent TikTok video, posted by @soccercatmom, shows an adorable orange kitten named Red attempting a sneaky ambush on her…
It turns out that cats are capable of more than just lounging on windowsills and pouncing on laser pointers —…
A mother’s love is like no other, and that includes feline moms, too. A recent TikTok video has captured a…
Prednisone and prednisolone are steroids used to reduce inflammation, treat some types of cancer, suppress the immune system, and act…
Food puzzle toys have been shown to reduce stress and boredom in cats, and they're very easy to make on…
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