Some breeds require very little in the way of grooming; others require regular brushing to stay clean and healthy. Consider whether you have the time and patience for a cat who needs daily brushing. You should definitely pick up this awesome de-shedding tool for cats of any hair length!
Easy to Groom
Easy To Groom Cat Breeds
Cheeto, a 16-year-old tabby cat, is making waves on TikTok with his incessant chatter. Known for his talkative nature, the cat’s latest video has captured…
A cat owner couldn’t believe her eyes when she discovered her orange tabby’s bizarre water-drinking technique, and now the viral…
Cat sounds are a part of our vocabulary in the form of analogies and expressions. Just think of "the cat's…
Food puzzle toys have been shown to reduce stress and boredom in cats, and they're very easy to make on…
Ringworm in cats is a fungal infection. The technical name for ringworm in cats is dermatophytosis. It often leaves a…