Can cats eat Cheez-Its? You might have had this thought if your cat begs when you grab a box of the baked crackers from a kitchen cabinet for a quick snack. If humans can eat Cheez-Its, can cats safely eat them too?
There is no short yes or no answer as to whether cats can eat Cheez-Its. Just like other baked crackers, including Goldfish Crackers, the ingredients might not be technically poisonous to your cat. But there’s little in the way of nutritional value in Cheez-Its for a cat.
Also, if your cat is lactose intolerant, the cheese in Cheez-Its might upset their stomach.
As always, you must ask your regular vet before sharing any human food with your beloved feline. Here’s what you need to know about Cheez-Its and cats.
When Are Cheez-Its Okay For Cats To Eat?
One or two Cheez-Its are likely not going to poison or harm your cat unless they happen to have a specific allergy to one of the ingredients in the product. Cheez-Its also contain some B vitamins that could be beneficial to your feline.
If you do decide to feed your cat some Cheez-Its, make sure you only serve them a very small portion. You might also want to break a single cracker up into smaller pieces for your cat, too.
When Are Cheez-Its Bad For Cats?

Cats are obligate carnivores, so the majority of any feline’s diet should consist of meat. Cheez-Its don’t really offer any useful nutritional benefits for a cat.
Being high in carbohydrates, feeding your cat too many Cheez-Its could also lead them down a path towards feline obesity, which in turn can bring about many other medical issues.
Additionally, if your cat gets into the habit of eating human foods like Cheez-Its, there is a chance they might start to turn down their proper cat food. This could easily lead to a cat developing nutritional deficiencies further along the line.
Has your cat ever tried to snack on your Cheez-Its? What healthier human foods does your cat like to eat? Tell us all about it in the comments section below!