Cute cat looking at me while lying in discarded Christmas wrapping paper
(Picture Credit: DianesPhotographicDesigns/Getty Images)

10 Cats Who Love National Re-Gifting Day [PICTURES]

One of my favorite days of the year is National Re-Gifting Day! It is the Thursday before Christmas and this year it falls on December 19th.

We can also call it National Recycled Presents Day, because we are recycling stuff! It’s so simple that even our cats can get in on the act.

Here are some kitty cats who also love tearing into your recycled gifts–or at least snoozing in the boxes!

10 Cats Who Love National Re-Gifting Day!

Surely you have gotten some stationary, candles, or bubble baths. Those random gifts that you just aren’t that into. These are great items that can be re-gifted.

Here’s my suggestion. Take a big old shoe box or boot box and stick it in a closet or shelf or cupboard. Anytime you get something that you don’t think you’ll be using, show it to your cat to see if it’s something they need. When you get the okay from your cat, put it in your re-gifting box.

This also comes in handy if you have a kid. Sometimes, for birthdays, they’ll get multiples of something. Boom! There’s your gift to take to the next birthday party you get invited to!

Re-Gifting Is Recycling, And That’s Good For Everyone!

Recycling is important for our young people who will inherit the earth.

I know it sounds silly but every little bit helps. Anything you can do to make less trash is awesome. In addition to re-gifting stuff here are some other ways I try to help the planet.

  • Take my own bags to the grocery store.
  • Take my own containers to restaurants for leftovers. I recommend saving yogurt or cottage cheese containers and keeping them in your car along with your shopping bags.
  • Take my own containers to the cupcake shop. (I keep one in my car in case I get struck with the urge.)
  • Changing from liquid to bar soap in my bathrooms. (Less plastic containers, less trash!)
  • If I’m in a convenience store, I request no bag.

Do you and your cat like National Re-Gifting Day? Do you recycle gifts for your kitty? We sure do and we love suggestions. Please share with us in the comments below, if you have any tips for helping the planet.

Related Articles:

10 Simple Homemade Cat Toys That Make Great Holiday Gifts

The Ultimate 9 Quick Tips To Recycle More Plastic


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