Fall Hat Month takes place during September of each year. It’s an occasion that humans can celebrate by donning their fanciest — or wackiest — head gear.
But while cats might not always enjoy being dressed up in a full outfit, there’s no reason your cat can’t get in on the hat wearing fun and games, right?
Here are five feline hat styles to inspire you to get into the swing of Fall Hat Month in September.
Go Pirates!

Embrace the spirit of the seafaring life by encouraging your cat to wear a classic pirate’s hat, complete with skull and crossbones.
Swashbuckling shenanigans are guaranteed to ensue.
You can find a pirate hat for your cat here!
Pop On A Party Hat

If your cat happens to celebrate a birthday or adoption day during the month of September, then you can pop a bright party hat on their head for the occasion.
Just remember to serve a feline-friendly bowl of their favorite food instead of cake.
You can get a cat party hat here!
Dig Out Your Santa Hat

Who says Christmas comes but once each year? Celebrate the festive season early or all year round by persuading your favorite feline to dress up in a Santa hat.
A hat fashioned to look like a pair of reindeer antlers is another appropriate option.
You can find a cat Santa hat here!
Keep Your Cat Hat Seasonal

Fall marks the turning of the seasons as the weather starts to become colder. Naturally, you’ll want to kit your best kitty out for the season with their own warm, wool, knit bobble hat.
As a pro tip, make sure to color coordinate the hat’s design to compliment your feline’s fur, like the Russian Blue above who’s gone with a classy red head piece.
You can get a fall hat for your kitty here!
Tiny Kitten, Big Hat

Finally, let’s finish celebrating Fall Hat Month with this wonderful picture of a very small kitten peeking out from under a much larger hat.
Turtle mode activated!
You can get a much-too-large hat for your kitten here!
Does your cat like to wear hats? Will they be celebrating Fall Hat Month in September? We’d love to see a pic in the comments below!
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