Young woman with kitten at home
(Picture Credit: Westend61/Getty Images)

Dear Tabby: My Friend Offered To Watch My Cat, But I Don’t Trust Her Boyfriend

One of our CatTime readers has a friend who will pet sit for her cat, but she doesn’t trust this friend’s significant other. She writes:

Dear Tabby,

My best friend offered to stay at my home and take care of my cat for free while I’m gone for the weekend. She and Misty get along great, and I’d love to save the money and not have to deal with cat sitters or boarding facilities.

My friend’s boyfriend, though, is a little off. I can’t explain it, but I don’t trust him around my cat, and I don’t want him there if I’m not going to be around (it’s a given that he would be there, too).

Is it silly to turn down my best friend’s offer based on sheer speculation about the guy she’s dating? Should I accept the offer but include a “no boyfriend” clause in the deal? Ignore the voice in my head and just let them both stay?


No Actual Knowledge or Evidence of Depravity but Harboring Ungrounded Nervousness Concerning House-sitter

Dear Tabby Has The Answer

Photo Taken In Frankfurt Am Main, Germany
(Picture Credit: Pierre Aden / EyeEm/Getty Images)

Dear N.A.K.E.D. H.U.N.C.H.,

I don’t always advise this, but in your case, I’m not only going to say it, I’m going to put it in italics for emphasis: Listen to the voice in your head.

If something is telling you your animal may not be safe around a particular person, take it seriously — every bit as seriously as if this were your child. Your instinct could very well be unfounded and way off base.

But what if it’s not?

As for dealing with your friend: Unless she’s 14 years old, prohibiting her boyfriend from visiting her at your home could come across as a bit strange.

Avoid the awkwardness of a “You’re invited, he’s not” conversation. Let her know how much you appreciate her offer, but tell her that you just feel better paying someone to do something as important as looking after Misty.

Then, quickly book a trusted cat sitter or reputable boarding facility.

If she’s your best friend, it’s not worth risking potentially alienating her to just to save a buck. And if she’s your best friend, she’ll respect — if not fully understand — your decision.

What advice would you give our reader? Do you have a question for Dear Tabby? Let us know in the comments below!

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