Cat Gets His Own High School Student ID Card

Bubba the cat loves going to school. He prowls the halls, attends class, and even goes to sports practices. But until now, he’s never had a student body card. That’s because Bubba is a cat.

bubba-school-cat-1(Photo Credit: Bubba The School Cat Facebook)

While Bubba is an official member of the Marienthal family, the indoor cat life just wasn’t for him. He had big dreams of getting an education at nearby Bret Harte Middle School and Leland High School, so when his family let him wander, that’s exactly where he went. It’s there that he became a beloved fixture of the San Jose schools, appearing in the high school newspaper, senior magazine, and yearbook.

This year, Bubba finally got his student ID card, cementing his place as a Leland High School student. And he may be the most popular student there. He has over 600 followers on his Facebook page, and his classmates petitioned to have a statue erected in his honor, though it was denied.


(Photo Credit: Bubba The School Cat Facebook)

Bubba spends his whole day at the school before coming home for the evening after sports practice. He’s had some adventures, too. Like the time he got locked in a classroom for 36 hours, or the time he lied down in the middle of a field during soccer practice until someone came over to pet him, or the many times students and teachers have called his family because they thought he was lost. The Marienthals hope that he will be able to attend graduation in 2017, as he will have spent the same amount of time in class as a student who started in sixth grade and finished high school. His attendance is exemplary.

We hope Bubba gets to attend school as long as he wants. Who knows? Maybe he should start looking at colleges.

Follow Bubba on Facebook.

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