Cats On Japan’s Cat Island Saved By Hundreds Of Boxes Of Donated Food


Japan loves cats. So when Japanese people heard that the cats on Japan's famous "Cat Island" were going hungry, they rushed to donate plenty of food. So much food, in fact, that caretakers have had to ask people to halt donations, as they can't possibly store it all. 

The small island of Aoshima is home to 140 cats. It used to be home to 1,000 people, but the human population is now only 16, so cats outnumber humans 8 to 1 on the island. The cats were originally brought to catch mice that were infesting fisherman's boats. But now, they run the island and draw plenty of visitors and tourists every year. During the spring and summer, those visitors bring food to feed the cats. But in winter it gets cold and the sea is too rough for many boats to cross from the mainland.

This year the food supply was running low. So the Aoshima Cat Protection Society called for donations of food over Twitter. The response was overwhelming with hundreds of boxes of food arriving at the docks. Now the cats all have full bellies as they lie in the sun and relax on their home island. It's a cat paradise. Sounds like a great life! 

Are you glad the cats are being fed? Would you like to visit Cat Island? Let us know in the comments below!

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