Cat With Four Ears Named Batman Finds Forever Home

Black cats usually have a harder time getting adopted. But Batman is a very special black cat. He was born with four ears, and it sure didn’t take him long to find a forever home. He spent a few weeks at the Western Pennsylvania Humane Society getting treatment for a respiratory infection. But once he was up for adoption, it only took a few hours before his new family took him home.

Batman’s extra set of ears are probably from a recessive gene mutation that he inherited from his parents. Do they help him hear better? We’re not sure, but kitty ears are adorable, and having an extra pair is just more to love.

Batman was adopted by a little girl and her mom. The girl is a huge fan of superheros, so Batman was the perfect fit. Now he’s got his own forever home to watch over!

Are you happy to see Batman in his forever home? Have you ever met a cat with an unusual mutation? Let us know in the comments below!

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