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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Baytril is a medication that can treat cats for infections, and it's actually the brand name for the drug enrofloxacin.…
There is no short yes or no answer as to whether cats can eat xylitol safely. While xylitol is very toxic…
Arthritis in cats is a condition that happens when the cartilage that's between the bones starts to deteriorate. Depending on…
The Bordetella vaccine is given to cats to help prevent the infectious Bordetella bronchiseptica respiratory disease. Your vet can administer…
The short answer is no, cats can't safely eat mustard. The seeds are harmful for cats to ingest and can…
Ehrlichiosis in cats is a tick-borne disease that's believed to be caused by bacteria. If a cat catches it, the…
There is no short yes or no answer as to whether cats can eat asparagus safely. While asparagus does possess…
Blastomycosis in cats is a disease that can be potentially deadly for your feline. Cats can pick it up when…
There is no short yes or no answer as to whether cats can eat kale safely. While kale is packed…
Bladder Stones in cats are hardened mineral formations that are found in the urinary tract. Larger stones can actually cause…
The short answer is no, cats can't safely drink coffee. In fact, if a cat drinks coffee or ingests coffee…
Neosporin is a topical medication that can treat surface scratches and wounds on cats with careful supervision. It's sold as…
A mother’s love is like no other, and that includes feline moms, too. A recent TikTok video has captured a…
Cats have a reputation for being independent, but a recent viral video challenges this notion with an adorable display of…
The internet is no stranger to adorable pet videos, but a particular tabby cat has recently caught the attention of…
When it comes to sibling dynamics, whether in the human world or the animal kingdom, the need for personal space…
Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment, but sometimes difficult circumstances force beloved animals into shelters. A TikTok video posted…
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