Excess alkali in the blood in cats happens when there’s too much bicarbonate (HCO3) in the blood. Usually, the condition is caused by an underlying problem.
Generally, cats who vomit a lot are most likely to develop the condition.
Technically, the condition is also known as metabolic alkalosis in cats.
If you see the signs of the condition in your cat, then get to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Here’s what you should know about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for the condition.
Symptoms of Excess Alkali in the Blood in Cats
The condition produces a number of symptoms. For example, some of the most common symptoms include:
- Vomiting a lot
- Dehydration
- Twitching (muscles)
- Seeming weaker than normal
- Irregular heartbeat
Causes of Excess Alkali in the Blood in Cats

The cause of the condition can be a number of things. For instance, some of the causes include:
- Vomiting
- Respiratory problems
- Medication
- Hormone issues
- Hypoalbuminemia
- Diuretics
- Laxatives
Treatments for Excess Alkali in the Blood in Cats
Firstly, your vet will ask about your cat’s symptoms. Secondly, your vet will ask about your cat’s full medical history.
Thirdly, a full physical examination will be carried out. Blood and urine tests will be taken. These can help monitor your cat’s alkali and acid levels. Additionally, checking your cat’s blood gas levels can help diagnose the condition.
Generally, treatment focusses on the underlying cause of the condition. For example, in some cases, emergency procedures can be needed. This is to normalize a cat’s blood pH levels.
While recovering at home it is important to provide your cat with a quiet and calm environment. Also, keep a look out for any cases of your cat vomiting—and call your vet straight away if you notice any.
Have you ever cared for a cat who suffered from this condition? How did your vet help your kitty recover? Let us know in the comments section below.