Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week starts in the third full week in September. In 2021, it takes place from September 19th to September 25th.
According to ASPCA, roughly 3.4 million cats enter animal shelters each year in the United States. Unfortunately, a good portion of these kitties are deemed “less adoptable.”
Felines who fall into this category are often FIV positive, senior cats, black cats, or cats with disabilities. Cats who we sometimes deem less adoptable are, in reality, loving, sweet, adorable kitties who make wonderful pets.
Rescues and shelters use events like Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week to help raise awareness for these cats. However, you can also help less adoptable cats in your community 365 days a year with the following steps.
Even if you cannot adopt every less adoptable cat in the world, you can still help them using these steps.
Have you ever helped a less adoptable cat in your community in a different way? Got any tips to share for Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week? Let us know in the comments below!
Ways To Help Less Adoptable Cats
Dispel Myths About FIV
Spread The Word About Less Adoptable Cats Online
Spend Time With Less Adoptable Cats At Your Local Shelter
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