Lovely kitten on sleeping

Daily Dose Of Cute: 5 Kittens Who Will Get You Through The Cold Weather Blues [VIDEOS]

As the weather turns colder and the nights grow dark sooner, many people start to experience a case of the cold weather blues.

Luckily we have kittens around to keep us warm with their snuggles and cheer us up with adorable antics!

What better way to fight off the winter funk than by soothing your soul with five adorable kitten videos?

1. Kitten Cuddle Time


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To start off, how about a classic case of kitten cuddling?

For your enjoyment, I present a dinky tabby all snug, warm, and secure in a blanket, enjoying some pro level petting.

2. Marvin’s Little Squeak


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Turn up the volume for this one. While he’s lounging in a super fluffy plush blanket, Marvin decides to express his happiness by letting out what can only be described as a little kittenish squeak.

No winter blues here!

3. Don’t Let Go Of The Security Toy!


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We’ve all heard of a security blanket, but this smart grey kitten is all about claiming a security toy.

Despite some human’s best efforts, there’s no way the kitten is giving up such a coveted pink mouse.

4. Cute Kitten Wrestling


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Anyone in the mood to check out some undeniably adorable kitten wrestling? You’re in luck, as these two ginger tabbies takes turns tumbling and rolling around in a bid to secure only the comfiest spot in their deeply comforting blanket.

All that wrestling is definitely keeping them nice and toasty!

5. So Many Kittens!


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Sometimes, there’s nothing better than ten — count ’em — kittens all smooshed up together in a homestyle bed.

Special mention goes to the domestic tabby at the back who’s content to nap through all of the cuddling and commotion going on among the rest of the clowder.

Did these cute videos give you the warm fuzzies? Do warm snuggles with your kitties help chase away the winter blues? Let us know in the comments below!


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