Scooper Bowl coming to ICS

As football teams battle it out for the Super Bowl, cat lovers may be interested in a contest known as the Scooper Bowl, where felines attempt to bat jellybeans out of a litter box. The Scooper Bowl is one of the many events slated for the International Cat Show, slated to take place at the Portland International Airport Jan. 27-29 in in the Beaver State.

Cats can compete in a variety of contests, including the Grand Finale Best-In-Show with a prize of $1,000. “Celebrity” cats will also attend. For instance, Guinness World Record-holder Trouble is slated to attend. Called the tallest cat in the world, the Sacramento, Calif. feline measures 19 inches from head to shoulder. Show-goers will also be able to check out rare-breed cats, new pet products, and more.

Proceeds benefit the Oregon Food Bank and cat rescue groups. The admission fee includes two cans of cat food. For more information on the event, check here.


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