Cat Rescued From 60-Foot Tree By 15 Year-Old

Sometimes if you want something done, you just have to do it yourself.

That’s what a 15-year old boy in Berwickshire, Scotland did when he rescued an 18 month-old cat that was trapped in a 60-foot tree.

The cat, named Diesel, climbed the 60-foot tree and remained perched in its branches for five days. The feline’s owner, Adele Harland, called a tree surgeon, who was unsuccessful in plucking the cat from the tree.

Harland then tried the Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue and the Scottish SPCA for assistance. However, she was told both organizations weren’t going to put any of their members at risk in order to save the cat.

The woman could do nothing but listen to her cat’s cries, which got progressively weaker. She began to feat the worst.

Luckily, a 15-year-boy, Kyle Watkinson, heard about the cat’s plight and volunteered to help. He scaled the tree, grabbed the cat, and brought it to safety.

“It wasn’t hard and it isn’t even the worst tree I have climbed,” Kyle said. “I was scared for the cat but never for myself. [Firefighters and the SSPCA] said it was too risky – but I just can’t see how, when I’m a 15-year-old boy and I got up and got the cat down with no bother at all.”

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