Cat Saves Ohio Couple From Toxic Gas

A Williamsport, Ohio, couple owes their life to a cat who alerted the pair to deadly carbon monoxide gas that was filling their home.


According to the Mansfield News Journal, Michelle and Rod Ramsey, both suffering from headaches, were preparing to turn at their farm residence for the night.

Tiger, one of the Ramsey’s cats, seemed to have a different idea. The restless cat started meowing and kept crying to get outside.

“He was in the house, he’s a very vocal cat and started going crazy,” Michelle told the MSJ. “He was begging me to let him outside.”

Fortunately, Michelle called the vet about another of their cats, Babes. Michelle described the situation and asked the veterinary assistant on the line if their furnace was running.

When she told the VA they had turned the furnace on the day before, she was told there was probably a gas leak and to leave the house immediately.

After a call to the fire department, the Ramseys were taken to Ohio State University Medical Center via helicopter. One of the paramedics told the couple they were lucky to be alive; they were treated and released a few hours later.

The Ramseys have 19 fixed cats on their farm property; eight felines arrived when the economy went south.

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is toxic to humans and animals. In concentrated levels that accumulate indoors, it can be lethal. Carbon monoxide detectors ($15-$60) can alert people to the presence of the gas.

Source: Mansfield News Journal, Wikipedia

Article originally posted: 2012





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