The 2011 Petties Awards Winners — and Their Winning Shelters!

Friday, August 26, 2011: It was the biggest night of the year for pet bloggers the world over as the winners of the 2011 Petties Awards were announced on DogTime. The Petties are Dogtime’s annual celebration recognizing excellence among animal-loving bloggers of all stripes. The Petties are the only awards nominated by, voted for, and presented to individuals in the pet blogging community.

This year the ceremony was broadcast digitally via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to allow maximum involvement from the local and international pet community. If you missed the show, check it out right here, in its entirety. All Petties winners received a $1,000 donation to the rescue organization of their choice.

Petties Awards Winners

· Best Designed Blog — Kate Benjamin, Modern Cat

chosen rescue organization: All About Animals, Arizona Safe Haven for Animals

· Best Social Media Integration — Stephanie Harwin, Catsparella

chosen rescue organization: Tabby’s Place

· Funniest Pet Blog — Angie Bailey, Catladyland

chosen rescue organization: Feline Rescue Inc.

· Best Cause Blog — Kim Clune and Amy Burkert, Be the Change 4 Animals

chosen rescue organization: Best Friends Animal Society

· Best Blog Post — Sparkle Cat

chosen rescue organizations: Animal Advocates and Feline Ranch

· Best Cat Blog — Robin Olsen, Covered in Cat Hair

chosen rescue organization: Kitten Associates

· Best Dog Blog — Carol Bryant, FidoFriendly

chosen rescue organizations: Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue and Camp Cocker

· Best Overall Pet Blog — Ingrid King, The Conscious Cat

chosen rescue organizations: Casey’s House and Kitten Associates

Stay tuned for the winners’ official acceptance speeches and interviews — and find out which lucky tweeters will also receive $1,000 donations to their favorite shelter. It’s all coming your way shortly…

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