Close-Up Of Cat In Water
(Picture Credit: Maria Dåderman / EyeEm/Getty Images)

Fur Laughs: Defiant Cat Knocks Glass Off Table Right After Human Tells Him Not To [VIDEO]

Cats don’t always do what they’re told. In fact, they sometimes do the exact opposite, like the kitty in the video above! Watch as he ignores his human to wreak absolute chaos on a glass of water.

Even we cat lovers have to admit that sometimes cats are jerks. Luckily, their defiant ways can still make us laugh, even if we’re not thrilled with the outcome. Send this video to someone who could use a smile today!

So why do cats knock things over, even when we tell them not to? Well, the real reason is usually boredom. Cats who aren’t mentally stimulated enough sometimes act out to make their own fun. That’s why it’s important to play with them!

Here are a few mentally stimulating brain games you can play with your cat. Hopefully they’ll reduce the amount of knocked over glasses you have to pick up!

Brain Games To Play With Your Cat & Fight Boredom

(Picture Credit: Maria Dåderman / EyeEm/Getty Images)

Try keeping your kitty’s mind active with some of our favorite brain games for cats.

  • Treasure Hunt: Instead of just putting down your cat’s food bowl, try hiding their food in a new place, or even a few different places. This allows them to use their hunting instincts to track their prey, which will challenge them and keep those instincts sharp.
  • Puzzle Feeders: There are plenty of puzzle feeders on the market that will allow your kitty to use their wits to earn food. They range from simple puzzles that only require a bat of the paw to more complex ones.
  • Tricks For Treats: Cats are more than capable of learning tricks just like dogs. Using treats and praise as a reward, try teaching your cat some of the basics like sit, lie down, shake, or roll over.
  • Fun With Boxes: Try closing a small box and cutting a few small holes in it. Then place some treats inside and let your cat stick their paws through the openings to get at the treats. You can do the same thing with an egg carton.
  • Fetch: Who says fetch is just for dogs? Fetch is a great way for your cat to exercise their hunting and pouncing instincts. Try tossing a toy or a ball of paper that they can comfortably pick up.

Does your cat ever knock things over like the cat in the video? Do you think it’s because they’re bored? Let us know in the comments below!

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