Hope For Paws got an urgent call that there was a cat with a broken jar stuck on his head.

Life on the streets can’t be easy for stray cats. They never know where their next meal is coming from. They get water from rain puddles and leaky faucets, and they get food from our discarded trash, often risking their lives just to eat, which was the case with the poor cat in a video from Hope For Paws.
There’s No Easy Way To Remove A Jar From An Animal’s Head

Most strays are born on the streets and not used to being handled by humans. Usually, they only experience human contact when people toss scraps of food here and there.
Founder of Hope For Paws Eldad Hagar, had to entrap the cat with a net and very gently pull the jar off.

Broken glass is sharp and could cause severe injury to the cat or Hagar.

After getting the jar off this little cutie, they took him to the vet for a checkup.

They named him Jarrow.
Jarrow is currently in Foster care getting socialization and playing with his foster siblings.
Please share this story and help find Jarrow a forever home.
If you are interested in adopting Jarrow, contact Cats At The Studios, Inc.

This incident happened because the cat got into a jar that was probably lying around on the ground. We can help prevent this type of thing from happening again by making sure that we put our trash into the proper receptacles and secure our garbage so animals can’t get in.
Watch The Rescue Video Below!
You can help make the world a better place by helping animals in need. If you see a trapped or hurt animal in a similar situation, pull over and look on your phone to try to find a local animal rescue. You can also call animal control for assistance.
All of the Hope For Paws rescues happen because someone took the time to contact them and report the incident.
Hagar mentioned that the callers are getting younger too. That means kids are watching rescue videos and want to help. How awesome is that?
What would you do if you saw a kitty with a jar stuck on their head? Have you ever helped rescue a cat in need? Let us know in the comments below!
Related Article:
Kitten Dumped In The Middle Of A 6 Lane Freeway
Hope For Paws: Kittens With Eye Infection Rescue Mission [VIDEO]
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