Stray Cat Finds Job As Chief Mouser At British Foreign Affairs Office

Stray cats don’t often find employment. But one kitty from the streets found a job rubbing elbows–and paws–with British diplomats. Palmerston is a 2-year-old short-haired cat who has been hired as Chief Mouser at the British Foreign Affairs Office. He’ll be kicking mouse butt and keeping other pests and rodents out of the government’s hair.

Palmerston is named after Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston, a foreign secretary who served almost 200 years ago before serving two terms as the country’s Prime Minister. The cat comes from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home where volunteers brought him after finding him undernourished and without a microchip.

The new recruit’s services are definitely needed as the warm and wet winter in Britain brought a rodent infestation that’s forced the government to spend thousands of dollars to remove the pests from government buildings. Hopefully Palmerston will be able to live up to his new title and fight off these invaders.

Are you glad Palmerston has a home now? Would you like to see more adoptable cats getting jobs? Let us know in the comments below!



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