Coast Guard Saves Drowning Kitten With CPR Then Adopts Him

On a beach in Italy, some children told the Guardia Costiera, the Italian Coast Guard, that they spotted a kitten floating motionless in the water. One of the crew members jumped into the water and pulled the kitten onto their boat. The crew then began applying the mouth-to-mouth CPR techniques they had learned for human rescue hoping that they might work on the kitten

The first few minutes were tense, but finally the kitten spit up some water and started breathing on his own again. Relieved that the CPR worked on the tiny cat, the crew took him back to the port authority office to dry him off and make sure he was okay. Then the little guy was taken to the vet and nursed to health.

The port authority was so touched by the kitten’s miraculous survival that they adopted him and named him Charlie. Hopefully from now on Charlie’s days at sea are over and he’ll be able to provide the team with support and comfort from dry land.

Are you thankful to the Coast Guard for helping Charlie? Are you surprised that the kitten was able to survive? Let us know in the comments below!

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