Rescue Kitten Never Leaves His Dog Buddy’s Side, And It’s Absolutely Adorable


#kodacat hitched a ride on the SS Jess as they adventured the river! #ruffwear #labradoodle #kitten #adventure #ship

A photo posted by Jessie • Koda (@jessie.and.koda) on

Koda started life as a stray kitten without a home. He was only 8 weeks old when a human rescued him from an overpopulation situation and brought him to his forever home. That’s when Koda found the love of his life. It was a three-year-old Australian Labradoodle named Jessie, and Koda hasn’t left her side since.

Jessie carries Koda around and plays with him outside, teaching the cat to run and jump like a dog. Koda absolutely adores Jessie and will cry and whine when she leaves without him. Now Koda is four months old and just as in love with Jessie as ever. The two are inseparable.

The pair of best buds do everything together. They chase each other, play outside, wrestle, and at the end of the day go to sleep together. They have a bond that will last forever. You can follow all the adventures of Jessie and Koda on Instagram.


Yesterday #kodacat showed #jessiethedog how to properly climb a tree! #adventure #trees #ruffwear #kitten #labradoodle

A photo posted by Jessie • Koda (@jessie.and.koda) on

Does your kitty have a best friend? Do the pictures of Jessie and Koda make you as happy as they make us? Let us know in the comments below!

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