Cute cat swimming with only nose and eyes above water
(Photo Credit: marieclaudelemay | Getty Images)

UK Cat Takes up Aqua Aerobics To Shed Extra Weight

A cat has started aqua aerobics sessions to lose his extra weight. Being double the size he should be, Moses had to start swimming lessons when regular exercise and dieting didn’t help. Now, the 9-year-old kitty is finally losing weight at a healthy rate, which his vet counts as a big success for him.

Cat ‘Moses’ tries aqua aerobics to lose extra weight

According to the New York Post, Moses is almost as heavy as a French Bulldog. His humans tried to put him on prescribed diets, only for those to fail drastically. Moreover, they encouraged the kitty to roam around outside and exercise to help manage his weight. However, nothing seemed to work on the cat except aqua aerobics.

Moses resides in Wellesbourne, England, and has been attending regular hydrotherapy sessions at his veterinarian’s office. While felines usually don’t like water, the cat’s aqua aerobics sessions are going surprisingly well. He is working with veterinary hydrotherapist Olivia Stokes, who treats him by having him walk on a treadmill with a bit of water followed by a few minutes of swimming.

As expected, Moses was initially not a fan of his new exercise routine. While Stokes is a qualified veterinary hydrotherapist with about two years of experience, she had never treated a cat with aqua aerobics. However, since his owners had stated that other exercise routines didn’t work on him, they thought of giving hydrotherapy a go.

After trying several different methods, what worked for Moses was lowering him onto the treadmill after Stokes had added the water. The kitty has to walk on the treadmill for about 13 minutes before she gets to swim. Swimming helps him get a full-body workout, which in turn helps him tone up. Moreover, with swimming helping his muscle toning, Moses has started walking around a lot more.


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