NYPD Rescues Kitten From Subway Tracks


NYPD officers saved one of this cat’s nine lives. A kitten named George escaped from his owners arms at a subway station in Manhattan. The noisy train frightened the scaredy cat, and he jumped onto the tracks.

Fellow riders immediately flagged down the train operator as the train was pulling up to the station to make sure it stopped in time. Commuters were delayed for a bit while officers arrived at the platform to retrieve the cat.

(Photo Credit: @NYPDnews on Twitter)
(Photo Credit: @NYPDnews on Twitter)

Officers Brian Kenny and Gus Vargas climbed down and crossed the track. Officer Kenny scooped up the frightened feline, who was hiding in an alcove inches from the electrically charged third rail, and brought him back to safety. He said that George, the kitten, reached up to him, almost like a baby who wanted to be picked up.

So add the NYPD to the list of heroes, like Superman, who have gone out of their way to rescue a kitty in distress.






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