Toddler Amputee Adopts And Bonds With 3-Legged Kitten

Scarlette is only two years old. But she’s gone through more difficulty than most adults can understand. She was born with a rare form of cancer that required chemotherapy, and her left arm had to be amputated. You might think it would be hard for her to find anyone to relate to. But that’s where Doc the kitten comes in to the story.

Scarlette sits next to Doc and an animal shelter worker. Her brother is on her right.
(Picture Credit: YouTube – KABC News)

Doc came to the shelter with a horrible injury, which meant her right front leg needed to be amputated. Scarlette’s parents knew that she loved kittens and spent months looking for a special needs cat so the girl might have someone to relate to. As soon as Scarlette saw Doc, she pointed to her staples and said, “Owies.” She then touched her own scars as if she knew they were going through the same thing.

Scarlette fell in love with Doc, and the two have a bond of understanding. Scarlette’s family adopted Doc, and she’s now a part of the family and an important friend for the toddler to share her hardships with. Hopefully these two will be best buddies for a long time.

What do you think? Do you find this story touching or inspirational? Let us know in the comments below.

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