Cat With Paw Stuck In Sewer Grate Saved By Rescuers

It’s good to know there are still heroes among us! Florida firefighters responded to a call that a small cat was stuck in a sewer grate. When Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue arrived, they found the poor kitty’s paw was trapped and couldn’t come loose. So they picked up the whole grate and brought the cat to Imperial Point Animal Hospital, hoping that veterinarians might be able to help.

The vets sedated the tired kitty and began cutting around the paw with saws. The cat was trapped up to his shoulder, and the paw was so swollen, it couldn’t be removed. But with precision and patience, they cut away enough of the grate to free the kitty.

The cat suffered an injury to his paw, but was otherwise fine. They named the cat Captain, and after he’s vaccinated and microchipped, he’ll be available for adoption. Don’t you love a happy ending?

Are you happy to see firefighters and vets working so hard to help a cat in need? Are you grateful to the heroes who took time to save Captain? Let us know in the comments below!

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