Cat Found Dangling From Hind Paw Stuck In Fence Gets Rescued

Picket the cat
(Picture Credit: Fox 21 News)

Cats may not really have nine lives, but they do get into and out of some pretty unusual situations. That was the case with a cat in Colorado Springs. The scared kitty got caught hanging upside down by one paw that was stuck in a fence. Luckily a Good Samaritan came by and saw the poor feline. He called an animal control officer with the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region (HSPPR) to help get the cat free.

Picket shows off her bandage
(Picture Credit: Fox 21 News)

At first it was difficult because the cat was not only stuck fast, but terrified from the ordeal and hard to approach. The Samaritan held the boards of the fence while the officer worked the hind paw free. After a bit of a struggle, the cat was finally off the fence. She had a pretty bad toe injury, and it needed to be amputated, but veterinary staff was able to save her leg.

Close up on Picket
(Picture Credit: Fox 21 News)

The cat has since been named Picket, and she’s getting to know everyone at the humane society. She has a sassy personality and is very vocal. Picket will be available for adoption once she has time to recover in the coming weeks. Check with HSPPR for details and please share this story to help get the word out so Picket can find a forever home that will keep her free from fences.

What would you do if you saw a cat stuck in a fence? Would you adopt Picket? Let us know in the comments below!

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