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Phillip Mlynar
Phillip Mlynar spends his days writing about pets, music, and craft beer (and sometimes the overlap between them). He's won numerous awards at the annual Cat Writers' Association Communication Contest, some of which are proudly on display at his local dive bar.
Entropion in cats is a condition where part of the eyelid begins to turn inwards towards the eyeball. It can…
August 28th is National Bow Tie Day! Maybe you look good in a bow tie, but no one can pull…
While your cat might seem fine snacking on all sorts of greenery, there's a long, precise list of plants cats…
Veraflox for cats is an oral suspension medication that has antibiotic properties. It's actually a brand name for the drug…
Eye infections in cats are viral or bacterial infections that cause cats to develop eye issues and discomfort. They're quite…
Hepatic lipidosis in cats refers to a disease that stops the liver from carrying out its normal detoxification and metabolic…
Zeniquin for cats is an antibiotic medication that's usually prescribed to help with bacterial infections. It's actually a brand name…
Orbax for cats is an antibiotic medication that veterinarians usually prescribe to treat bacterial infections. Some of the common bacterial…
Fading kitten syndrome in cats refers to a number of unfortunate ways that kittens might die during the early weeks…
Upper respiratory infection in cats can refer to a number of conditions that affect the cat's sinuses, nose, and throat.…
Laxatone for cats is a medication that veterinarians usually prescribe to help prevent and get rid of hairballs. It works…
Toxoplasmosis in cats is a zoonotic disease, meaning the parasite that causes it can spread between animals and humans. The…
A mother’s love is like no other, and that includes feline moms, too. A recent TikTok video has captured a…
Cats have a reputation for being independent, but a recent viral video challenges this notion with an adorable display of…
Owning a pet is a lifelong commitment, but sometimes difficult circumstances force beloved animals into shelters. A TikTok video posted…
The internet is no stranger to adorable pet videos, but a particular tabby cat has recently caught the attention of…
Ringworm in cats is a fungal infection. The technical name for ringworm in cats is dermatophytosis. It often leaves a…
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