Police Officer Rescues Adorable New Kitten Partner Named Squirt

A big, glorious mustache isn’t the only furry thing in this officer’s patrol car anymore. A police officer who goes by the hilarious name of Donut Operator on Instagram–we’ll just call him Officer D.O.–has an adorable new companion, and in his words, this “new partner is kind of a puss.” It’s a cute little kitten!

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A fellow officer found the tiny orange tabby cat under a dumpster in the rain, and Officer D.O. figured he could help the poor thing. So he took the cat home where he had kitties of his own. One of his cats named Toothless decided to take the role of mama cat for the new kitten. They’re getting along just fine.

Officer D.O. decided to name the new cat Squirt for two reasons. One is that the kitten is so tiny. The other is that, when the new kitty came into his house for the first time, it started pooping all over the place. The officer doesn’t intend to take Squirt on duty, just in case things get dangerous. But hopefully Squirt will have a nice, fuzzy mustache to cuddle with now.

Are you happy to see an officer taking care of a cute kitten? What would you do if you found this little cat in a dumpster? Let us know in the comments below!

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