My sister recently came to me with an interesting predicament. Her cat, Kiko, seemed lonely. She tried to introduce her cat to other cats in the past — my shy calico, Pookie, included — and things did not go well.
Kiko is highly territorial, and she hisses at other cats and keeps her distance. A lot of distance. If forced into a more contained area, Kiko will assert dominance, hiss, and cry until the other cat is removed or vice versa.
And yet, my sister tells me Kiko seems bored and lonely by herself. She will sometimes get into minor destructive habits, like knocking little knick-knacks off of the dresser, or cry at my sister when she’s not giving 100 percent of her attention.
So what’s a person to do when their cat would definitely benefit from some social interaction but is hellbent on being a rebel loner? Here are a few tips to help slowly but safely introduce your lonely cat to the idea of socialization and other boredom-busters.
Do you have a loner rebel of a cat? What do you do to make sure they stay mentally stimulated and properly socialized? Let us know in the comments below!
Ways To Help A Cat Who's Lonely But Hates Other Cats
Start Small
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If your cat seems restless and lonely but territorial, running out and adopting a second cat on a whim will only add to the issue, not solve it.
If your cat is very territorial, start introducing the idea of sharing their domain with another animal very slowly. Start by bringing in blankets and toys that have the scents of potential future playmates, like the cats of friends or family members.
Introduce your cat to these objects in a positive way to start making the association that foreign animals aren't all that scary. Treats and toys can add some positive reinforcement.
Keep Initial Play Dates Short & Sweet
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After introducing your kitty to the smell of a friend or family member's cat, have the felines meet in as neutral of an area as possible in your home. Pick one that your cat is least likely to consider to be part of their domain.
Give the cats a short amount of time to test the waters. If they seem to get along perfectly fine, allow the play date to continue.
Chances are, however, if your kitty is territorial, they will not be okay with a new cat being in their space for long. If you sense your cat is getting anxious or territorial, end the play date.
If you're thinking about permanently adding another cat to your home, be sure to check out our tips on how to make the transition as smooth as possible. Again, it is not a race to get this new cat into your home.
Give your original cat and your new cat as much time and space as they need to grow fond of each other.
Give Your Cat A View
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If having cat play dates or getting another cat is absolutely out of the question, there is a way to at least let your kitty feel a little less alone. Indoor cats benefit greatly from having a view of the outside world, whether that is a window perch or on a cozy bed near the sliding glass door to the backyard.
Set up a bird feeder in direct view of your cat's window perch. Seeing the birds will be extra stimulating for an indoor cat.
However, be sure your cat cannot accidentally open or the window if they get too excited by the birds.
Reintroduce Favorite Toys
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Most cats have a few favorite toys they gravitate towards. Just like humans, cats can overplay with these toys and grow bored with them.
If you find your cat acting extra restless, try hiding some of their favorite toys for a couple of weeks. Reintroducing these toys will be exciting and fun for your perma-bored kitty.
Try Introducing Your Cat To Dogs
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Here's the funny thing about Kiko -- she loves dogs. Even though my sister has tried to introduce Kiko to other cats to socialize with, it's with dogs that she seems to have the best time. She loves to bat at them from a high vantage point and will even cuddle pretty close to them if the dog allows.
Some cats may enjoy hanging out with species other than their own. Dogs can be a nice option as playmates for territorial cats who have a difficult time with other felines.
Just like when you're introducing another cat, be sure to introduce a pup to your cat at a pace that's comfortable for both animals involved.