Two persian cats fighting
(Picture Credit: Duci86/Getty Images)

Fur Laughs: Cat Stops Being Polite When Friend Won’t Pay Attention [VIDEO]

If you grew up in the MTV generation, you know that there comes a time when you have to stop being polite and start getting real, as the kitty in the video above demonstrates.

The feline taps their friend ever so gently trying to get a little bit of attention. But nope, the other cat won’t budge. And another polite tap gets the same result.

The third attempt isn’t so nice, but I’m sure we’ve all felt the frustration of being ignored! What’s a cat supposed to do other than launch a full-on, attention-seeking attack?

Still, it doesn’t look like any damage was done, and a love tap from a kitty paw is all in good fun. Plus, we got a good laugh out of it too!

But if you’re worried that your own cat is getting a little too aggressive with their bids for attention, here’s some advice!

Ways To Stop Aggression & Bad Behavior In Cats

(Picture Credit: Duci86/Getty Images)

If your cat is acting out in a way that you don’t like, you can take a few steps to correct the behavior. Here’s a brief overview of some tips:

  • Play with your cat more. This will help them burn off some pent-up energy that can add to aggression and unwanted behaviors. Try active games with wand toys, lasers, or anything that keeps kitty moving.
  • Make the “ffff” sound. This may sound silly, but it imitates the sound of a cat’s hiss, and your cat will probably understand that they’re acting in a way you don’t like if you make the sound immediately after your cat does something wrong.
  • Use calming herbs and plugins. There are several products on the market that can promote calmness. Make sure you pick up ones that are specifically for cats!
  • Ward off strays. If there are cats roaming and spraying around your property, it could cause your cat to feel agitated or territorial. A sprinkler system or spray bottle can drive strays away.
  • Get a cat tree. Your cat may feel safer and more relaxed if they have their own space up high to look out over their domain. It will also give them a place to scratch and climb, which can burn off more pent-up energy.

How does your cat try to get your attention? Do they ever get frustrated when you don’t respond right away like the cat in the video? Let us know in the comments below!

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