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Lifestyle (Page 87)
Yeah, I know – I’m a goofy, emotional “animal person.” But right now I’m extra verklempt because this is a…
Question: Does it make sense to embark on a new career where I can work with animals, especially during hard…
If you’re like many Facebook users, you’ve gained a lot from your time there: you’ve learned which Teletubby you most…
Question: I’m relocating internationally with my pet. How far in advance do I start planning and where do I start?…
If you are looking for a dog, and already have a pet feline or have neighbors with one, take a…
The pros and cons of clay cat litter
Cats are generally known for their cautious relationship with water. Unlike dogs, who tend to enjoy splashing around, felines usually…
Not all cats are water babies, but they can become one if they have a good “boat” to rely on.…
It's heartbreaking to think about why a mama might abandon her babies. The reasons are many and include a lack…
Food puzzle toys have been shown to reduce stress and boredom in cats, and they're very easy to make on…
An adorable video of a rescue cat treating a new squirrel toy as her baby has captured the hearts of…
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