Cats sure can be demanding little furballs, as you can see in this video! These cats aren't shy about requesting…
The kitty in this video seems to love snuggling in mom's hoodie. It also works great for mom because she…
June 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day! In honor of this wonderful holiday, here are ten videos of cats…
This tuckered out, grey-and-white kitty decides to repurpose one of the floppy ears of the household's resident Beagle into a…
This hilarious video goes over some tips on how to pick up a cat like a pro. The best advice…
This kitty mom in this video may be super sleepy, but she still positioned herself to keep feeding her eight…
The kitties in this video are especially cute. They're getting a taste of milk or formula from a caring human,…
The cute cat in this video seems peeved about something. They're expressing that frustration with a meow that sounds like…
The two kitties in this video are absolutely adorable. They're playing a game that they invented, and it looks like…