Close-Up Of Cat Looking At Lizard
(Picture Credit: Anthony Olivier / EyeEm/Getty Images)

National Hug Your Cat Day: 10 Cats Hugging Different Animal Friends [VIDEOS]

June 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day! That’s good news, as hugging is a natural antidepressant. Our bodies react positively to a caring and loving touch.

However, hugging isn’t just for humans. After all, if you know cats, then you know that many of them just love to hug!

It seems that cats are always managing to give hugs in their own cat way, whether it’s rubbing against you with their tail, pushing you with their head, or snuggling up with you in bed.

In honor of National Hug Your Cat Day, here are ten cats giving hugs to ten different creatures — even a human creature! Prepare yourself for extreme hug cuteness.

1. Cat & Baby Goat Love Each Other

KT the goat was rescued after he was found alone and malnourished. After recovering, KT formed an unlikely bond with another rescue animal, William the cat.

These two buddies were never too far from each other’s sides. They especially loved to cuddle and hug. William constantly pushed himself into KT, showering him with lovable cat hugs.

William and KT will always have each other’s backs.

2. Cat Can’t Stop Hugging Horse

This cat literally cannot stop hugging his horse friend. The video goes on for about three minutes, and in that entire time, this cat never stops hugging, snuggling, and kissing the horse.

The horse doesn’t seem to mind one bit — probably because no one could resist the power of this cat’s hugs. Even as the horse starts to walk, the cat doesn’t care and keeps hugging him!

This horse and cat will definitely be friends for life.

3. Cat Hugs Dog Best Friend

In contrast to the long-held belief that dogs and cats can’t be friends, these two defy stereotypes. The kitty and doggo in the video above are best pals and wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s adorable how they stand side by side, as if they’re protecting each other. The kitty can’t stop the love rubs for his doggy friend, but then he goes in for the ultimate sign of affection, the hug.

The cat literally stands up on his hind legs and wraps his front legs around the dog’s neck, just like a human! Make sure you watch for yourself.

4. Cat & Baby Duck Hug & Cuddle

Oscar the cat and this baby duck love to cuddle and hug. While birds are usually known as prey to cats, this little duckling found a special place in Oscar’s heart.

Oscar has his front legs open, as if he’s waiting for the chick to come in for the snuggle. These guys definitely have a daily hug routine because Oscar looks as if he knows exactly what to do.

Once the chick snuggles under Oscar’s front legs, Oscar slowly and gently squeezes the little bird against him. Snuggle buddies for life!

5. Kitty & Lizard Are Snuggle Buddies

A cat and a lizard may seem like a very unlikely duo to be cuddle buddies, but these two guys prove it happens. Charles the bearded dragon and Baby the cat are inseparable.

When the cat’s human first got the lizard, she wasn’t sure how the feline would react. However, they became best friends almost immediately, and from then on, they did everything together. Their favorite activity is hugging and cuddling together while they fall asleep.

Take a look at how Charles has his head tucked right under Baby’s head. Their bond is unbreakable.

6. Cat & Rat Cuddle Together

Cats and rats have always had, shall we say, a complicated relationship. This cat and rat, however, show that we can love each other regardless of species.

There’s no need for this rat to be scared because he and his kitty friend have a trusting relationship. The rat cuddles into the cat’s arms, purposely putting himself in the cat’s hug so they can cuddle.

There is complete trust between these two, so much so that they even have their faces pushed up against each other. Now that is love.

7. Kitten & Rescue Pig Love To Hug

After being rescued from a pig farm, Laura was brought to a sanctuary. Soon after arriving, Laura formed a close relationship with a kitten named Marina. The two of them became completely attached.

Even though Laura was much bigger than Marina, she was extremely gentle and sweet with her. Their favorite thing to do together was cuddle and sleep.

Check out how Marina wraps her tiny legs around Laura. You can tell Marina really trusts Laura.

8. Cat & Guinea Pig Are Inseparable

This cat loves his guinea pig friend so much! The kitty cannot stop himself from giving the guinea pig love pushes and hugs.

While the guinea pig sits there just minding his own business, the cat continues to show his affection. At one point, kitty even uses the guinea pig like a pillow. The cat keeps rolling over and lovingly wrapping his paws around his buddy.

I think it’s safe to say this cat really likes guinea pigs.

9. Happy Cat Hugs Her Parakeet Friends

This cat is happiest when she gets to hug her parakeet friends. The birds have nothing to fear, as this cat only wants to give them her love and affection.

She lies there contently with her arms stretched out around the birds. She licks them and gives them tiny sweet squeezes and hugs. And the birds love it, as they snuggle in under her head.

This cat is definitely a bird whisperer.

10. Cat Hugs Dad & Won’t Let Go

This cat loves to hug his human dad, so much so that he won’t let go! The ginger kitty is so irresistibly hug-able.

It’s so cute how the cat wraps his two front legs around his dad’s neck, just like a human hug. The cat is obviously loving it, as he can’t stop purring and smiling. He even gives his human little neck kisses, how cute!

The only problem is that dad will eventually have to let go and put him down. How could anyone resist hugging this cat?

Do you have a cat who loves to hug? Are you going to give them a squeeze for National Hug Your Cat Day? Let us know and leave a comment below!


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