The fishing cat of Asia stealthily hunts in both deep and shallow water, prowls swamps and marshes, and alternates its…
We've made positive strides in the last few decades. In honor of Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, learn more about the history…
January 24th is Change A Pet's Life Day! It's a chance to celebrate making positive changes in cats' lives, to raise…
One of our CatTime readers is a strong supporter of cat adoption, but her friend bought a kitten from a breeder.…
In Utah, rescue group Nuzzles and Co. and their Humane Society have received the green light on a proposed program…
November is National Adopt A Senior Pet Month, and you may want to celebrate by bringing home an older kitty.…
November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month, and we cat lovers could not be happier about it. We know that…
October is officially designated as Black Cat Awareness month. The month is meant to promote adoption of black cats who,…
Declawing cats was only ever a flawed, human, quick-fix for a misunderstood — or, completely not understood — issue. Now,…
Titled the "East Bay IPA Collaboration Project," this new series of beers showcases kitties and canines who are currently up…
Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week starts in the third full week in September. Cats who we sometimes deem less…
Certain types of cats, like seniors or kitties with disabilities, have a harder time finding homes than others. In honor of…