Video of Kitten Drinking Water for the First Time Goes Viral There’s something magical about experiencing something for the first time — whether it is a child tasting ice cream or…
Owner Is Surprised to Learn How Cat Drinks Water in Viral Video A cat owner couldn’t believe her eyes when she discovered her orange tabby’s bizarre water-drinking technique, and now the viral…
7 DIY Cat Food Puzzle Toys That Will Keep Your Kitty’s Brain Active Food puzzle toys have been shown to reduce stress and boredom in cats, and they're very easy to make on…
Hilary Duff Adopts Kitten Rescued During Deadly LA Fire Actress Hilary Duff and her family have adopted a small kitten who found herself in dire straits during the recent…
Video of Rescue Cat Playing After Years of Abuse Captures Hearts It is not every day that a video of a playful cat carries a deeper message, but this black-and-white rescue…
Daily Dose Of Cute: Miles The Cat & Mochi The Puppy Wrestle During Playtime [VIDEO] Maybe these two get along so well because Bengal cats tend to have dog-like personalities. Looks like Miles is going…
Fur Laughs: Cat Stops Being Polite When Friend Won’t Pay Attention [VIDEO] There comes a time when you have to stop being polite and start getting real, as the kitty in this…
Daily Dose Of Cute: Bengal Cat Won’t Stop Wrestling With Chihuahua Pal [VIDEO] At CatTime, we love interspecies friendships. That's why we love the Bengal cat and Chihuahua in this video! No hisses or growls here! It's…
9 Excited Cats Who Can’t Wait To Open Christmas Presents [VIDEOS] You're going to want to have the camera ready because when cats open Christmas presents, they do it in very…