You love cats. You love memes. Put them together, and your day is about to get a whole lot better.…
A cat named Elsa on a Swedish farm didn't have kittens of her own. But that didn't stop her maternal…
Watch Arthur, the cat in this video, give lots of nuzzles, nose boops, and head butts of affection to his…
The kitty in this video sure does love catnip -- so much so that she'll break into the pet supply…
Dogs like to get the spotlight in movies, but we all know it's the cats who steal the show when…
No one wants to have a wedding crasher show up on their special day -- well, unless that wedding crasher…
The first time a cat catches a glimpse of themselves in the mirror, they usually go absolutely bonkers! They'll puff…
The cat fans in these pictures love their kitties so much that they'll go through the pain of having a…
Have you ever tried meditating? How about meditating with cats? This video is giving us plenty of adorable inner peace.…
Teaching your cat to use the toilet is a bad idea for so many reasons. Ender, the cat in this…
People like to talk about the funny quirks that cats have, but did you know that cat owners have a…
The internet loves cats, so it's no wonder that Instagram has a huge amount of cat-based accounts. Check out this list…