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Is it an accident? Is she clumsy?
The three abandoned cat brothers were covered in frostbite, but alive after snow covered the Chicago area. They were rescued…
Oh it's on! Time to get cuddly with your favorite furball and cuddle up!
Traveling with your cat, especially flying with your cat, can seem like a daunting task. Learn everything you need to…
A YouTube user decided to make some 3D printed battle armor for his cat, and it looks just like something…
A Maine Coon cat named Skatty helps his deaf owner to hear while they're sailing at sea. The cat even…
The Acro-Cats are a group of performing rescue cats that promote cat-training awareness and feline adoption. They've even appeared on…
No cats were harmed in the making of this video. Only the owner’s ego.
Most cats don't want to wear a Halloween costume but some pampered kitties don't mind so much. If you have…
Lanai Cat Sanctuary in Hawaii is home to about 500 free-roaming cats, affectionately called the "Hawaiian Lions." The best part--you…
If you are a cat aficionado, chances are you have heard of this prestigious cat organization.
"He purred everyday of his life and when he lost that, I knew it was time."
Cats and babies have a unique way of melting our hearts, and a recent viral Instagram video is no exception.…
A romantic dinner can evoke warmth, excitement, and the joy of shared moments, even if one of the attendees happens…
While cats are often surrounded by toys of all shapes and sizes, they seem to find the greatest joy in…
Every cat parent knows the reality of sharing their life with a feline — cats want affection on their own…
Sometimes, our pets alert us to surprising encounters in our own backyards, giving us a glimpse into the unexpected. A…
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